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Before establishing CultureShockNGO, Dahlia served in various areas at The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), including the general counsel’s office, the office of reproductive health, and oversaw multiple grants and contracts involving infrastructure redevelopment throughout the world.  Currently, Dahlia is a board member of The Anthony Bowen YMCA in Washington, D.C.  This YMCA historic role as the first African American Y, founded in 1853, by Anthony Bowen, and the first African American YMCA in all of North America makes it a significant landmark in Washington D.C.   Dahlia works with the organization to create programs for arts, dance, performance, classes, and early childhood education that will enhance its role in the community as well as greater DC and give homage to the roots of this particular Y.


Dahlia serves on the China Folk House  (CFH) Board.  The purpose of the China Folk House Retreat is to purchase, reconstruct, and maintain an imported Chinese farm house in the United States as a place for the social and educational development of youth and others. The expectation for CFHR is to sponsor programs, events, activities, and/or exhibits that further cultural exchange between US and China, to take place at the house or in support of the house. 


As a long-term supporter of Alvin Ailey Dance Company, Dahlia serves on the Artistic Director’s Circle for the Alvin Ailey Dance Company Board.


Dahlia is the proud mother of three incredible young ladies! August, who follows her mother’s passion for international work; Indiana, the artist, and Severine, the dancer.  All three girls have worked with CutlureShockNGO. Gorgeous Gold George is their very special Golden Retriever!



Severine Caldwell is one of the founding members of CultureShockNGO.  Severine was one of the first teachers to work with children that are part of Washington D.C.’s most underserved population.  Severine helped create our programming while kids were emerging from the constraints of the pandemic, and went on to initiate the first dance camp in Los Angeles, program for our homeless transitional space partner, Safe Place for Youth, as well as work as a student Surf instructor.  

She is a gifted dancer and is a Senior member of the pre-professional company Elements Urban Arts Collective. She has also danced for other companies led by rising dance stars such as Ayden Elder. 


Severine loves working with our community students!

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